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Outcomes for Hineni Fellows

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Hineni Leaders will seek to share the message that our LGBTQ leadership can consciously help to evolve the community to celebrate our Jewish diversity. Participants will feel that this was a meaningful experience that they would recommend to others.

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Envisioning and Leading a Transformed Jewish Community
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By learning Jewish history, culture, and religious concepts, participants will feel more qualified to step up as Jewish leaders. Participants will feel they have learned relevant Jewish content that supports them to bring a Jewish lens to their leadership.

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Leading from Commitment to our Shared Jewish Past and Future

By placing ourselves in the context--and loving community--of queer change-makers and visionaries over the generations, participants will be inspired to speak strongly from their queerness as leaders in Jewish spaces.

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Integrating Queer and Jewish Worldviews
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Participants will gain insight into the workings, pitfalls, and potential of the Jewish community today in order to engage effectively as Jewish leaders.  Philanthropic learning will lead Hineni graduates to make Jewish giving one of their top two gifts each year.

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Engaging Wholeheartedly with the Given, to Lead it to Greater Love and Justice
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By learning Jewish history, culture, and religious concepts, participants will feel more qualified to step up as Jewish leaders. Participants will feel they have learned relevant Jewish content that supports them to bring a Jewish lens to their leadership.

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 Pursuing Deep Understanding to Inspire us to Lead
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Hineni Fellows will come together to be trained to bring together a unique combination of leadership skills, Jewish content, and Queerness so they can help set the innovation agenda of what is next for the North American Jewish community.

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Charting New Pathways to Renewal and Growth
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Hineni participants will create a sacred community of friendships and connections that will last long after the Fellowship is completed. Together, they will learn techniques for spiritual practice and self-care to ground their leadership efforts.  Graduates of the program will feel proud to be part of our alumni network--a lifetime support network so that they always have community and know that they are never alone.


  Finding the Place of Holiness Within to Guide our Leadership
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Hineni Leaders will not only feel confident that they have the skills to be leaders in the Jewish community, but they will also have grit and resilience. They will be trained to courageously face conflict, as well as the ability to work in collaboration, to build trust, and to negotiate difficult situations.

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Hineni Leaders will not only feel confident that they have the skills to be leaders in the Jewish community, but they will also have grit and resilience. They will be trained to courageously face conflict, as well as the ability to work in collaboration, to build trust, and to negotiate difficult situations.

The Strength to Struggle for What is Right and to Overcome Challenges
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Jewish Leadership Through a Queer Lens

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